national economy, innovations, information, innovative and informational changes, functioning of the national economy, specific manifestations of influenceAbstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to certain aspects of assessing the impact of innovative and informational changes on the functioning of the national economy. The relevance of the goal chosen for the research is justified by the growing role and importance of innovative and informational changes in the modern world, the strengthening of their influence on the processes taking place in society and the economy. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop an approach to modeling the various manifestations of the impact of innovative and informational changes on the functioning of the national economy based on a comprehensive assessment of innovative and informational changes and the functioning of the national economy and establishing the connections between them. Methods. The methods on which this research is based are empirical analysis, which allows to single out the main types of manifestations of the impact of innovative and informational changes, and modeling using correlation analysis. Results. Modeling of various manifestations of influence on the functioning of the national economy is proposed to be carried out using correlation analysis in order to determine the influence of innovative and informational changes. An approach to the modeling of the various manifestations of the impact of innovative and informational changes on the functioning of the national economy has been developed. It involves the construction of a descriptive model of the various manifestations of influence depending on the nature and manifestation of the reaction of the national economy to innovative and informational changes. Manifestations of accumulated and current influence of innovative and informational changes are highlighted. It is proposed to determine the strength of the impact of innovative and informational changes taking into account their mutual reinforcement according to various indicators of changes. Conclusion. The proposed approach makes it possible to assess the impact of innovative and informational changes on the functioning of the national economy and to identify changes that can be considered drivers of qualitative transformations in the economy and to select appropriate strategic support measures.
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