


security, energy, energy sources, , alternative energy sources, state regulation, strategy, strategic positions, secure development


Introduction. The relevance of a strategic approach to the development of alternative energy sources is proven by the need for a comprehensive and systematic resolution of energy and environmental issues. The article is structured to thoroughly reveal the importance of a strategic approach to the development of alternative energy sources, focusing on the role of the state and the mechanisms of state regulation. It includes an analysis of recent sources and publications, the formation of the main goal, the presentation of the material, and conclusions. This structure allows for a sequential and logical presentation, ensuring a holistic understanding of the topic. Each section complements the previous one, creating a complete picture of the relevance of the strategic approach and the role of state regulation in the development of alternative energy sources. The purpose of the study is to characterize the features of forming a secure environment for the development of alternative energy sources. Methods. The main task of the article is to present and characterize the strategic positions of state regulation for the secure development of alternative energy sources. It is determined that achieving so-called secure development of alternative energy sources is possible through a comprehensive approach, which includes improving the legal framework and implementing modern safety technologies. The state must create favorable conditions for investors by providing financial incentives, tax benefits, and simplifying licensing procedures. The key strategic positions of state regulation for the secure development of alternative energy sources are highlighted. Conclusion. It is established that tactical aspects of state regulation are aimed at implementing specific measures that ensure the effective implementation of strategic positions in the short term. It is proven that the secure development of alternative energy sources depends on comprehensive and strategically justified state regulatory measures. Effective policy in this area should combine legal, economic, scientific, and social tools aimed at creating a sustainable, secure, and competitive energy system.


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