


crisis management, civil service, digital technologies, HRM systems, efficiency, adaptability, public sector


Introduction. The ongoing war in Ukraine since 2022 has highlighted the critical need for adapting crisis management strategies within the personnel policy of the Ukrainian civil service. Traditional approaches are insufficient for managing the challenges posed by warfare, such as maintaining the stability of state institutions under conditions of rapid change and uncertainty. The crisis context necessitates a reevaluation of how personnel are managed, with a focus on resilience, adaptability, and responsiveness. Purpose. This study aims to explore the role of digital technologies in modernizing the personnel policy of the Ukrainian civil service during wartime. Specifically, it investigates the implementation of automated systems like the «Electronic Civil Servant» platform and their impact on improving the efficiency and transparency of decision-making processes in the public sector. Methods. The research employs a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative analysis of case studies on international crisis management practices with quantitative data on the implementation of digital HRM (Human Resource Management) systems in Ukraine. Data was gathered through reviews of recent publications, statistical analysis of service performance reports, and comparisons of pre- and post-implementation metrics of digital tools in managing civil service personnel. Results. The findings reveal that the integration of digital platforms significantly reduces the time required for processing personnel performance data, with an average reduction from 30 days to 5 days. The use of the «Electronic Civil Servant» system has enhanced the transparency of decision-making processes, raising transparency levels from 60% to 90%. Additionally, the digital tools enable remote monitoring of employees, which is essential given the increased need for remote work during wartime. These tools also support the rapid deployment of crisis response teams and aid in maintaining continuity in public administration operations. Conclusion. The study concludes that the adoption of digital technologies in the crisis management framework of Ukraine's civil service is a crucial step toward ensuring operational resilience. The experience of countries like Israel, the United Kingdom, and South Korea in using digital platforms demonstrates the potential for improved coordination and efficiency. The integration of these tools into Ukraine's public sector has shown to not only enhance performance but also reduce the risk of professional burnout among civil servants. This research suggests that ongoing investment in digital transformation is necessary for the effective functioning of state institutions under crisis conditions.


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