logistics, accounting, logistics costs, logistics chain, cost classificationAbstract
Introduction. Gaining competitive advantages in the market can be ensured by optimizing the logistics costs of an enterprise. Positioning of accounting as a source of reliable information for making managerial decisions necessitates the study of trends in the domestic accounting science regarding the accounting of logistics costs. Such research should be carried out in terms of the following issues: recognition of costs and their classification as logistics costs, grouping and classification, synthetic and analytical accounting of this category of costs, their place in the accounting policy of the enterprise. After all, only an effective accounting system can provide an information and analytical basis for optimizing the logistics costs of an enterprise. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the latest research in the national accounting science on accounting for logistics costs of an enterprise. Methods. In order to solve the tasks set in the article, general scientific and special research methods are used, in particular: observation, bibliographic analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results. The areas of research in which the current focus of attention of domestic scientists is generalized. The characteristics of logistics costs as part of the operating expenses of an enterprise related to the movement of material, financial, labor and information resources that are elements of the logistics chain and accompany the logistics operations of an enterprise at each stage are allocated. The article reveals the proposals of domestic scholars on the reflection of logistics costs in the accounts and subaccounts of synthetic accounting, which provide for both the opening of additional accounts to summarize information on logistics costs and the allocation of subaccounts to existing ones. Conclusion. The analysis of scientific research on the subject of accounting for logistics costs allows us to conclude that the majority of publications are related to the definition of “logistics costs”, approaches to their classification and reflection in the accounts of synthetic accounting. At the same time, there are not enough completed works on the topic of primary accounting of logistics costs, automation and their reflection in financial and management reporting.
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