security-oriented management, security, economic security, subjects of logistics activity, challenges, risks, threatsAbstract
The article focuses on the issues of ensuring stable long-term functioning of logistics enterprises. It is indicated that economic security in the context of critically acute challenges of war and the resulting socio-economic instability is becoming a leading function in terms of preserving the viability of enterprises and organisations, including logistics ones. The paper shows that today enterprises organise their own effective security-oriented activities for such purposes. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify threats to the economic security of logistics entities in the current conditions and to substantiate the means of their levelling. The publication identifies risks and threats to the economic security of business entities specialising in logistics services. An instrumentarium for effective security-oriented activities of logistics enterprises has been developed, the implementation of which will improve the activities to ensure their economic security, and, consequently, risk resistance and stability of functioning and development.
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