gender equality, gender imbalance, IT company, career, remuneration, managementAbstract
Introduction. The IT sector is an important area of the economy that continues to develop and accumulate export revenues during martial law. Both in Ukraine and globally, IT companies are characterized by a gender imbalance, with women accounting for around 20% of IT companies. Currently, Ukrainian IT companies are facing a shortage of technical specialists holding senior and lead positions. This situation is related to the migration and mobilization of men into the Armed Forces. This study investigated the hypothesis of whether women can replace men in these positions in Ukrainian IT companies and identified measures that can be used to equalize the gender imbalance in the industry. Purpose. Identify a list of necessary measures that affect women's opportunities to work in IT companies, both at the level of the business entity and the state, aimed at eliminating the gender imbalance in this sector of the economy. Methods. In the course of the study, we used general scientific research methods, in particular, empirical methods - to describe the existence of gender imbalance in IT companies, we summarised analytical materials on this issue. Theoretical research methods, in particular, analysis, synthesis, and classification, were used to summarise the list of measures aimed at overcoming gender imbalance at the enterprise and state levels. Results. The gender imbalance in the IT industry in Ukraine can be leveled by implementing a list of measures aimed at attracting more women to the IT sector and developing career plans for women in IT, taking into account their personal development plans and role in society. The state can help by providing tax incentives to companies that implement specific measures to overcome the gender imbalance. Another important way to overcome the gender imbalance at the local level is to build infrastructure that will ensure access to educational, medical, cultural, and sports facilities for women and children; expand the list of medical services and health activities available to women and children with public funding. Conclusion. The result of the study is a list of measures aimed at overcoming the gender imbalance that should be applied both at the level of individual IT companies and at the level of government authorities.
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