creative potential, creative environment, personal competence, professional competence, innovative technologiesAbstract
The article considers the urgency of the development and implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies that will ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. It was found that to ensure the high efficiency of the educational process, the most modern pedagogical technologies, tools and forms of education, is not enough, it is important that the teacher takes an active personal theoretical and methodological position. Creativity is considered to be the main factor in a teacher’s personal competence. It is more characterized by internal activity than external, which is manifested by the following main characteristics: willingness to take risks; impulsiveness; independence of judgments; a critical view of their own activities; boldness of imagination, thinking and expression. The article says that training in traditional technologies is a waste of time, because a person who has acquired only knowledge and experience gained by someone is not competitive in today’s labor market. A modern teacher must successfully master the value-normative experience of past generations, acquire, develop and improve their own technology of professional activity, creativity, communication. And innovative activity as creative serves as a driving force in the formation and acceptance of changes in both personal and professional life. That is why the creative potential of the teacher is decisive in the formation and application of an innovative approach to the educational process. It was found that the creative potential of a teacher is a defining component of his professional competence and ability to take an innovative approach in educational activities.
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Щепіна Н.В. Активізація навчально-пізнавальної діяльності студентів ВНЗ як наукова проблема: