envy, philosophy, mythology, envious person, feeling, experienceAbstract
Introduction. Global changes that took place at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries caused the stratification of society, which led to constant rivalry. Almost every person strives to conform to the given model of a successful person, which is broadcast through mass media. However, the opportunities and resources of the individual are limited, which inevitably leads to envy. Interest in the phenomenon of envy appeared in ancient times and continues to generate many disputes among modern researchers. Among numerous works, it is difficult to find an unambiguous definition of envy: some authors consider it an emotion, others – a personal trait, and still others consider it within the framework of relationships. But most researchers agree that envy is a negative, destructive phenomenon, both for the individual himself and for his relationships in the team Purpose. The article deals with the socio-psychological and philosophical aspects of the problem of envy, describes the main problems of the study of envy in philosophy and modern psychology, and also outlines ways of studying this sociopsychological phenomenon in topological, structural and dynamic terms. It is emphasized that the study of envy is not only an academic problem, since the nature of its solution largely determines our ideas about the variety of social factors that act as its causes, as well as psychological mechanisms that provide various manifestations of envy in situations of social comparison. Results. The analysis of existing publications on current research issues allows us to draw a conclusion about the diversity and multifacetedness of scientific research in the consideration of the phenomenon of envy. The existing conceptual pluralism testifies both to the variety of approaches in the interpretation of the analyzed problematic direction, and to the ambiguity in the essential understanding of the phenomenological manifestations of envy. On the one hand, this allows you to look at it from different points of view, and on the other hand, it causes an urgent need to integrate empirical and theoretical research into a coherent system. Given the certain fragmentation, the phenomenon of envy requires the continuation of its scientific reflection at a more in-depth level, which will contribute to the accentuation of the necessary practical orientation of psychological research.
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