


medical services, healthcare sector, healthcare quality, healthcare workers' motivation, quality monitoring


The article explores the issues of forming a healthcare quality management system in Ukraine at the current stage of healthcare sector development. It is determined that the quality of healthcare is a key indicator of the effectiveness of the health system and a priority task of national policy. The problems of quality and safety management of medical services, their impact on the population, and the necessity of reforming this sphere according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization are analyzed. It is noted that the main mechanisms for ensuring the quality of medical services include mandatory licensing, accreditation, standardization, quality control, and clinical audit. The role and significance of each of these mechanisms in improving the efficiency and accessibility of medical services are examined. Attention is given to the impact of public administration, strategic quality monitoring, as well as the interaction of key stakeholders in the healthcare system. One of the mechanisms for improving the quality of healthcare is the material incentivization of personnel, linking compensation to the volume and quality of their work. It is necessary to develop a remuneration system that aligns with the specifics of medical services. To achieve this goal, an effective system must be created to combat negative trends in the incentive pay system, such as excessive billing and unnecessary medical services. However, the remuneration system should be two-sided, meaning it should provide for both rewards and penalties for employees. The research results show that the main principles of effective healthcare quality management are professional competence, economic efficiency, continuity and safety of medical care, and patient satisfaction. It has been proven that the quality of medical services, their accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of healthcare delivery, the professionalism of medical personnel, their care for patients' health, the material and technical base of medical institutions, the medical technologies used, and other factors significantly depend on the successful and rapid implementation of international experience, particularly the use of quality standards in medical services and a focus on patient needs. The importance of an innovative approach to modernizing the healthcare system and implementing new standards to improve the quality of medical services in Ukraine is emphasized.


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