Inclusion and Society is a peer-reviewed scientific edition, which publishes materials of scientists of various levels in the form of scientific articles for the purpose of their dissemination both among domestic researchers and abroad.
Founder: Educational and Rehabilitation Institution of Higher Education "Kamianets-Podilskyi State Institute"
Founded: 2022.
Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1183 as of 11.04.2024.
Professional registration (category «B»): Decree of MES No. 1166 (Annex 3) dated December 23, 2022.
ISSN: 2786-7188 (Print), 2786-7196 (Online).
Branch of science: 01 – Education/Pedagogy; 05 – Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Specialties: 011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences, 013 – Primary education, 015 – Professional education, 016 – Special education, 051 – Economy, 053 – Psychology.
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, Polish, mixed languages.
Periodicity: 3 times a year.
The collection of scientific works is indexed in scientometric databases Index Copernicus International.
The articles accepted for the collection reveal a wide range of problems related to the theoretical and methodological foundations of special pedagogy and psychology, social work and economics with the justification of conceptual approaches in the system of inclusive education, defining the essence and principles of designing an inclusive educational environment. In the context of theoretical and empirical research, the authors identify relevant issues of inclusive education in higher education: methods, techniques and means used in inclusive education; consider the peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical support and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities in different periods of ontogenesis; analyze the economy and management of the national economy in conditions of inclusion; mechanisms formation of social and psychological attitudes in children with special needs.