online learning, bachelors, general education disciplines, pedagogical aspects, information technologies.Abstract
The article focuses on the pedagogical aspects of online education of bachelors in the disciplines of the general education cycle. The modern educational community in the conditions of the digital world considers the network form of implementation of educational programs as a tool for improving the quality of education. This scientific article examines the pedagogical aspects of network education of bachelors in the disciplines of the general education cycle. In the context of the modern educational environment, where the use of information technologies is growing, the author explores methods and strategies that contribute to the effective use of network resources for student learning. The advantages and disadvantages of using network technologies in the educational process are analyzed, taking into account the pedagogical aspects of such an approach. The network format in the process of professional training of bachelors revealed special aspects in the process of formation of educational and professional activity and subjectivity of students. The goal was to study how the network form of building the educational process was perceived by students and how it affected the structural components of professional subjectivity. education requires to a large extent direct personal contact and living in an eventful educational and professional community, as a space of "subject meeting". Today, the theoretical foundations of the pedagogical design of the network system of specialized training, as well as the pedagogical conditions for the development and effective functioning of the model of network education of bachelors in the disciplines of the general education cycle, are not considered deeply enough, which does not allow us to understand the objective functions of the model, effectively develop connections, and ensure the development of the entire system specialized training. It is necessary to identify and scientifically substantiate the pedagogical conditions of network education of bachelors in the disciplines of the general education cycle. The results of this article can be useful for pedagogical workers who are interested in the implementation of network technologies in the educational process, as well as for teachers who seek to improve the quality of education and stimulate the active participation of students in educational activities.
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