digital technologies, children with special educational needs, school musical repertoire.Abstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of using digital technologies during the study of the school musical repertoire with students with special educational needs. The social factors predicting trends towards digitization in modern education are analyzed (mixed and distance form of learning, which requires the involvement of digital technologies as a means of learning (especially musical), provision of quality educational services to children with special educational needs: musical art is an effective means of correcting secondary deviations in physical and mental development). The process of using digital technologies when working with the school musical repertoire is highlighted (searching through the Internet for a musical work, songs (Shazam service – melody identification for gadgets (phone, laptop), playing a musical work, songs (players Aimp, Foobar 2000, XMplay, jetAudio Basic, Foobnix, Windows Meadia, STP), searching for information about the composer (Google, Yahoo, Meta), creating a presentation about the composer (using the computer program PowerPoint), setting the melody (score) of the song using the Finale notation editor, etc.). Digital tools used in the educational process for children with special educational needs are defined: standard (computers with specially builtin functions for children with special educational needs), alternative (accessible media: HTML, DAISY audio books), assistive technologies (special devices, devices for people with disabilities: keyboards with special capabilities, hearing aids, reading devices).The main forms of work on the school musical repertoire with the use of digital technologies in inclusive classes are considered (individual: use of alternative technologies: AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), VoiceOver; subgroup: use of Voice Dream Reader technology, and for distance learning students – the Popplet tool ; group: use of Popplet, AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), Voice Dream Reader, VoiceOver, TalkBack technologies). The corrective and developmental potential of studying the school music repertoire in inclusive classes of general secondary education institutions with the use of digital technologies (development of musical hearing, rhythmic sense, development of speech, social adaptation) is substantiated and highlighted.
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