inclusion, inclusive education, special education, teacher's assistant.Abstract
The presented materials outline and substantiate the current innovative and practice-oriented vectors of organising inclusive education of preschool and primary school children with different levels of psychophysical development in Ukraine: creation of favourable social conditions for their development, implementation of comprehensive correctional and rehabilitation measures aimed at both overcoming (correction, rehabilitation) of existing developmental disorders and prevention of possible secondary disorders, to offset the effects of socio-pedagogical and emotional deprivation, to develop appropriate perceptions of peers with special educational needs in children with normal development, and to ensure that all students, without exception, have equal rights to receive quality educational services; outlining the generalising and substantive differences of inclusive education (the use of special innovative forms of its organisation, strengthening the individually differentiated content of educational content and, as a result, the formation of . development of a unified scheme of the inclusive educational environment of an educational institution, which will help to develop and implement effective educational technologies based on a thorough scientific and child-centred approach. The purpose of focusing on the coordinating and unifying role of the assistant in the organisation of correctional and developmental classes and adaptation (modification) of educational programmes to the needs and capabilities of children with developmental disabilities. Scientific innovation. Creation of a holistic, harmonious model of personality-oriented, comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to students with intellectual disabilities and their families in the conditions of inclusive educational space of preschool and general secondary education, as well as in special educational institutions (special schools and educational and rehabilitation centres). Conclusions. It has been established that inclusive education is not an alternative to special education, because it is in special educational institutions that there are opportunities to provide educational and correctional services to children with complex and complex developmental disabilities, in particular, a combination of systemic qualified medical care and psychological and pedagogical correction, and special educational institutions have gained invaluable experience in practical work with children with SEN, which they generously share with correctional teachers who seek to implement inclusion in their institutions.
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