


inclusive approach, social inclusion, social exclusion, social isolation, socially inclusive audit.


The article states that in the conditions of war, the number of people with disabilities increases both among children and adults, while the state of health of a person should not affect the reduction of his/her rights. It was emphasized that violations of physical and mental health should become an additional impetus for society, authorities, communities in the issue of preventing discrimination on the basis of disability. The expediency of applying a socially inclusive audit in the practical activities of educational institutions is substantiated, as social inclusion should become a standard and indicator of a socially active school in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to highlight the process and result of a socially inclusive audit. This audit was conducted on the basis of the Teteriv Lyceum (Zhytomyr District) of the Zhytomyr Region. The scientific novelty consists in highlighting the main criteria of a socially inclusive audit of an educational institution, such as: the general appearance of the lyceum building; lighting; isolation (the presence of other people, surveillance cameras, a place where you can get help, etc.); places of possible injuries; exploitation of the territory (garbage, traces of vandalism, etc.); pointers (availability, accessibility, informativeness); accessibility; prevention of emergency situations. The developed recommendations for improving social inclusion, which can be used in the practical activities of managers and pedagogical staff of lyceums and gymnasiums, are of practical importance, since the identified problems are typical for all educational institutions. It was concluded that the improvement of the inclusive educational environment in the Teteriv Lyceum ( Zhytomyr district) of the Zhytomyr region will contribute to: the emergence of greater opportunities for a comfortable stay of pupils with special educational needs in the institution; improving the qualifications of pedagogical staff in the organization of inclusive education of pupils with special educational needs; increasing the tolerance of pupils of a normative level of development and teachers towards schoolchildren with special educational needs; expanding opportunities for professional orientation of pupils with special educational needs.


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