game technologies, senior preschool age, speech disorders, speech therapy.Abstract
The article characterizes the peculiarities of using developmental game technologies in the correctional and developmental process with senior preschool children with speech disorders. Game technologies are an effective means of accumulating vocabulary and developing speech in the work with senior preschool children. This concept includes a large group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Game techniques arouse children’s interest in activities, enrich their motivational sphere, create the necessary emotional background of the educational process, increase speech activity and the effectiveness of classes. The development of educational games in speech therapy work should take into account the specific needs and individual abilities of each child. It is important to take into account the child’s age, level of speech development and other factors that may affect the learning process. The term "game-based pedagogical technologies" covers a large number of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of a game. Unlike an ordinary game, a pedagogical game has an essential feature that distinguishes it: a clearly defined learning goal and the presence of a pedagogical result. Developing children’s grammatical, lexical, and phonetic skills is one of the most important tasks in the overall education system. Correct speech is an indicator of readiness for school, a key to mastering writing and reading. Therefore, special attention is paid to the education of correct speech in the senior preschool age. The problem of activating the speech process of senior preschool children is relevant and pedagogically significant. Given the decline in cognitive activity of some children, it is common to find a limited stock of knowledge about the world around them, and unformed practical skills that are age-appropriate. In this category of children, it is possible to observe a violation of sound pronunciation, poverty and insufficient differentiation of the vocabulary, difficulties in learning logical and grammatical structures, as well as severe speech disorders.
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