


psychological support, resocialization, adaptation, correction, inclusive education, psychological development, inclusive environment, educational technologies


Inclusive education, aimed at taking into account and meeting the educational needs of every student, regardless of his individual characteristics or educational opportunities, is becoming an important aspect of the modern educational process. In the context of inclusive education, there is a need to improve psychological support technologies to ensure effective resocialization, adaptation and correction of students with different educational needs. The purpose of this article is to consider and justify the technology of psychological support of resocialization, adaptation and correction of students in the context of inclusive education. The study of this topic not only determines the prospects for the development of the educational environment, but will also make a significant contribution to the formation and implementation of pedagogical strategies to better meet the needs of the modern inclusive educational process. Inclusive education, focused on ensuring access to quality education for all students, requires a comprehensive approach to resocialization, adaptation and correction of students with different educational needs. To understand the essence of these processes, it is important to define terms and their roles in inclusive education. Scientific novelty consists in the study and analysis of the use of modern information and communication technologies in psychological support, which allows creating innovative methods of an individual approach to education seekers, providing them with the most effective conditions for development, resocialization, adaptation and correction, as well as the introduction of unique methods and tools for evaluations of the effectiveness of psychological support in inclusive education, which take into account the specific educational needs of students with different educational needs. This approach will improve existing methods and enable in-depth study of psychological aspects of inclusive education, contributing to the creation of optimal conditions for learning and development of students with different educational needs. Technologies of psychological support in inclusive education play an important role in resocialization, adaptation and correction of students with different educational needs. The implementation of innovative approaches in psychological support improves the quality of education for students with special educational needs. The development of methods and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of psychological support allows for systematic monitoring and improvement of approaches. Studying the psychological aspects of adaptation in an inclusive environment helps to understand and take into account the individual needs of education seekers. The importance of implementing monitoring and reporting systems is emphasized to ensure a dynamic analysis of the psychological state of education seekers and timely response to changes. These aspects contribute to the creation of an effective inclusive educational system aimed at the full development of each individual.


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