


methodological approaches, teoretiko-methodological strategy, praktiko-focused tactics, concept of development of innovative methodical activity, principles of construction of concept


The article focuses on the concept of the development of innovative methodical activities of preschool teachers. Educators of special educational needs should possess professionally significant personal qualities, improve educational and cognitive activities based on the organization of their independent activities in the educational and educational process, increase the effectiveness of the educational process and the formation of an educational environment. For this, it is necessary to possess innovative modern methods, regularly study best practices, achievements of science and technology and apply them in one’s activities, rely on existing educational and legal criteria when solving various issues and problems related to the educational process, which represent professional competence and methodical training of preschool educators. Innovative processes in the education system were studied from the point of view of the need to continue its modernization. For the transition of society to an innovative educational regime, the primary task is the specialist’s readiness for innovations, where theoretical knowledge (modern psychological and pedagogical conceptual approaches), methodological knowledge (general principles of studying educational phenomena, regularities of the process of socialization of pupils). personality, learning, education) and technological knowledge (traditional, innovative educational technologies). The concept of “innovation” is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the features of innovative activity in the field of education. The strategic goal of preschool education is discussed. Innovative pedagogical technologies are defined as technologies for the use, creation, dissemination and implementation of new technologies. The types of innovative technologies are singled out. The author proposed methodological foundations for the development of the concept of innovative methodological activity of teachers of early childhood education: systematic, synergistic, axiological, acmeological, andragogic and competence approaches are substantiated; the principles of concept construction are indicated.


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