


music therapy, education, psycho-emotional health, health-saving technologies, Ukrainian experience


The article analyzes the state of development of music therapy in Ukraine as a health-saving technology. In the sociocultural space of the information society, in the 21’st century, the interest of science and practice in solving the problems of crisis situations, which a person falls into in the circumstances of war and other crisis situations, is increasing; preservation of psycho-emotional health, the use of those technologies for the prevention of the “emotional burnout” syndrome, which create comfortable objective conditions for emotional and psychological self-regulation, ensure the emotional stability of the individual and are an important factor in achieving success. The information society itself is characterized by a growing flow of information, a large number of crisis situations, an acceleration of the pace of the contradictory life of a modern person, therefore the intensity of communication links associated with negativity affect a person’s psychological health, quality of life, mental balance and well-being, balance and harmony, ability to overcome stress, maintenance of work capacity in various spheres of life and professional activity. The article focuses on the separation of music therapy as a health-saving technology of the countries of Europe and the USA into an independent division of our scientific research, which is conditioned by the following conditions. The first condition is the increased demand of modern society to implement the theoretical research of scientists in the practice of preserving the health of citizens, increasing their professional activity, cultural and educational levels, especially in the countries of Europe and the USA. The second condition is an attempt by researchers of music therapy: to move from the theory of music therapy to the use of innovations in the field of art in practice; to scientifically understand theoretical and practical problems that need to be solved. It has been proven that the relevance of the mentioned problem is exacerbated by the fact that the issue of the application of music therapy in the professional activity of future specialists in the artistic direction in the universities of the European Union and the USA was not sufficiently reflected in scientific works. And in the socio-cultural and educational space of Ukraine, until recently, no attention was paid to the problem of using music therapy and the training of specialists in this field of art.


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