inclusive educational environment, training, SPT, communicative competence, trainer-facilitator, training technologies, the collective learning technique “corners”Abstract
Introduction. Attention was focused at the creation of inclusive educational environment, which can be ensured by means of using of appropriate methods and technologies of person-oriental approach to the education of students with disabilities with other students of higher educational institutions. Due to the implementation of training technologies into the educational process of higher educational institutions, it is possible to provide the most optimal inclusive educational environment for the successful training of future specialists. Purpose of the research is the impact of training as the tool of the communicative competence of future specialists` formation in the inclusive environment. Results. The significance of SPT for the providing not only favourable inclusive environment for students with special needs, and for the development their communicative competence, which is a basic factor of their successful education and future professional activity, were analyzed and theoretically substantiated. The significance of the role of the trainer-facilitator as a key figure in the providing of inclusive education environment for students with special needs and for successful development their communicative competence during the SPT was proved. The role of the manager (facilitator) of training technologies of education in the HEI was substantiated. It was concluded that increasing of communicative competence of students with the help of SPT contribute to better social adaptation of students to the education in the HEI, and also allows to use acquired skills and abilities for a more successful life, i.e. private life, readiness for the overcoming of difficulties, building of successful career in the future etc. The perspective direction of the research is the optimization of interactive learning technologies and creation of holistic model of the students` communicative competence development in the system of higher education.
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